Harness the Humble Marketing Audit

Harness the Humble Marketing Audit

In the hyped up world of content marketing, big data, marketing automation, programmatic buying, social media and conversion rate optimisation, it’s no wonder start up ventures and small to medium businesses struggle to keep pace let alone prioritise what’s important to help exceed their unique business objectives.

We believe that the best place to start is often with the humble marketing audit. Rather than jumping straight to solution mode, taking time to reflect and truly understand the current state can be extremely illuminating.

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The Rise and Rise of Social Proof

The Rise and Rise of Social Proof

We all know that the way consumers interact with brands has changed forever.

The old world model of mass 'push' broadcast marketing from brands to consumers has progressively and rapidly evolved towards 1:1 'pull' engagement marketing with consumers in the hot seat.

So within this maze of contemporary decision making, social proof now plays an increasingly powerful role. In a world full of clutter, social proof helps people to both fast track and de-risk their purchase decisions. 

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